Indoor Regency Shoes for Women

Learn about shoes for women during Jane Austen’s time in early Regency England: dancing shoes, house slippers, half boots, and more!

Have you every wondered what shoes were like for women in Regency England? There were house slippers, half boots, dancing shoes, and more, and all were very different than today’s shoes.

In my most recent work, A Most Beloved Sister, Elizabeth is given devastating news. Her feelings overwhelm her, and she runs outside in her indoor slippers, going as far and as fast as she can. This emotional sprint causes her to damage the soles of her feet.

Some readers expressed doubt about the situation, but I think it’s because they equated the term “slippers” with how we think of modern-day slippers. Shoes in the Regency Period were quite different than what we have today, so I decided to write this article about it.

You can read the article as the guest post “Women’s Indoor Shoes During Regency England” on Always Austen.